
This wild mutt from Colorado is an energizer bunny. You have to run him up and down a mountain in order to tire him out!

This commission was requested by my aunt and uncle. They wanted me to recreate their dog Rico into a mosaic!

I really wanted to work more with purple tones for this mosaic. I couldn’t be happier with the result, as it brings color and depth to his adorable mug!

The most daunting challenge was making the eyes and constructing a creative background.

Even though Rico’s eyes are more dark brown in reality, giving him brighter eyes really makes them pop off the page!

The background is by far my favorite part of this mosaic. It allowed me to experiment with many shades of blue and I think the result really brings out Rico.

Rico is reserved and timid at first, but once he gets comfortable with you, he will never stop playing fetch with you!

He is quite the adventurous pup, and has been biking and hiking with my folks all over Colorado.

Even if I don’t see him everyday, I’m glad Rico, Larry, and Teresa are a part of my life!

Thank you for making this project possible.